Experienced Equine Stud Veterinary Surgeons
Full Range of Breeding Services
All Inclusive 5 * Livery Packages
Convenient Location near Chester
Please contact us with questions, for advice or to discuss your 2024 breeding plans
Liz Mursell 07817 713835 or Emma Jones 07590 513475
Routine reproductive work requires regular ultrasound examination of the ovaries & uterus. This identifies the optimum time for insemination & enables assessment of the uterus for signs of infection or abnormalities, pregnancy diagnosis & fetal development.
Reproduction contracts allow clients to enjoy the benefits of this regular monitoring & routine treatment at a fixed cost. Grass livery is an economical option that enables us to monitor your mare continuously without incurring multiple visit fees.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements if they are not covered here.
MARE services
Routine reproductive work requires regular ultrasound examination of the ovaries & uterus. This identifies the optimum time for insemination & enables assessment of the uterus for signs of infection or abnormalities, pregnancy diagnosis & fetal development.
Reproduction contracts allow clients to enjoy the benefits of this regular monitoring & routine treatment at a fixed cost.

Fresh Semen Artificial Insemination
Semen is collected on site for immediate insemination of the mare.
Chilled Semen Artificial Insemination
Semen is collected & shipped for insemination within 24 hours. For UK or Europe based stallions.
Frozen Semen Artificial Insemination
Frozen semen is shipped & stored at the clinic until the time of ovulation when it is thawed & the mare inseminated. Timing is crucial with frozen semen, a number of scans are required near the point of ovulation.
Preparation for Natural Service
Pre-breeding swabs & blood samples, scanning to the point of natural service & post service treatments.
Embryo Transfer
A donor mare is inseminated by any of the above methods & then the uterus flushed around 7 days later to recover an embryo. The embryo is implanted in a recipient mare who carries the foal.
Infertility Investigations
Fetal Sexing
Pregnant Mare Management
Foaling Management